Thursday, December 20, 2012


Growing up, Matilda was one of my favorite films. After watching the film for the first time, I franticly ran around my house trying to find a ribbon to tie in my hair. I must have driven my parents crazy with how many times I begged to rent Matilda on our weekly Blockbuster visits.

 A few weeks ago, I discovered Netflix had the film so naturally I pressed play immediately. It was quite funny how after several years of not seeing the film, I felt the same way about it as I did when I was six. And till this day, I wonder what Ms. Trunchbull's enormous chocolate cake would taste like. 

Therefore, today's post will be about how to get Matilda's "look" in a more adult and modern way. 


Shirt dress
$41 -

Cutout dress

$47 -

People Tree peter pan blouse
$48 -

Oasis denim short shorts
$24 -

Cotton socks

$49 -

Coach leather bag

Flower necklace


Hair accessory


<3 Dalilah 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Outfit of the Day (OOTD): A Very Floridian Winter

Muscle Tee and Cardigan: Urban Outfitters
Shorts: Forever 21
Combat Boots: Payless
Necklace and Beanie: Aldo Accessories
Spike Earrings: Forever 21

It's that time of year again! Girls stop shaving their legs and start bracing themselves for the cold weather that  will inevitably begin to arrive. But don't throw away the razors just yet because in Florida it's all about shorts in the winter. Never really known to go below 70 in the winter time, Florida is the perfect place to layer simple items and create an outfit that's perfect for a cool winter night (even if that may include a cute pair of shorts). I kept it simple by pairing a graphic muscle tee with some high-waisted shorts and a long cardigan then jazzed it up a bit with some gold and black accessories.

Be unruly, my little fashioneers!
<3 Rachel

Evergreen Collared Blouse: TJ Maxx
Tan Sweater: Cotton On 
Black Pants: Lauren Conrad
Black Oxfords: Forever 21
Readers: Urban Outfitters
Snake Earrings (shown as collar tips): Tilly's 

Here in the "sunshine" state, we don't necessarily have a real winter. What I mean is: it's the middle of December yet most days it's over 80 degrees. Being a Chicago girl at heart, I love the winter time for the simple fact that you must layer your clothing to avoid getting hypothermia. In this outfit I layered a light cropped distressed sweater over a collared shirt to achieve a layered look that works for Florida's hot winter weather. I wore the black skinny pants and glasses to keep the look simple and studious. 

Let me know which clothing articles you love to layer in the comments! 

Be unruly,
Dalilah <3

Friday, December 14, 2012

About Us

Hey everybody. I'm Dalilah (and no, I don't know what it's like in New York City). I'm a twenty-one year old lady child. Like most girls, I have an obsession with shopping and makeup. I also love collecting mustache trinkets, crafting, and attending concerts. Some things that inspire me are nature, films, my childhood, cute grannies, the 50's, and traveling. The majority of my closet comes from thrift stores, Urban Outfitters, H&M, and ASOS.

And I'm Rachel. I'm twenty-one, tall, awkward, and have an affinity for falling down. I'm addicted to chap stick and caffeine...oh yeah, and clothes. I love all things involving fashion, music, movies, or comics. I am constantly getting inspired by different things so my wardrobe is forever changing. At the moment I'm fascinated by 90's grunge and mixing textiles/patterns/fabrics. Some fashion icons of mine include (but are not limited to): Audrey Hepburn, Zooey Deschanel, Coco Chanel, DVF, Alexis Krauss, Alexa Chung, and Rachel Zoe.

So why start a blog? We live in Orlando (not exactly known for its thriving fashion). The big names here are Mickey and Shamu not Lagarfeld and Versace. We don't consider ourselves to be fashion gurus (or even the "next big thing" in fashion) but we do love and care about expressing ourselves through our clothing. Us being us, we tend to attract a lot of attention...negative attention that is. On any given day, we can have people stare at us as if we were E.T. telling them to "phone home". But why? Because we don't dress according to the norm? We wanted this blog to be a way for us and others to showcase (and be praised for) our/their unique style.

Let's dress outside the norm. Let's get weird looks from strangers. Let's be unruly.

Go forth fashioneers.
<3 Dalilah and Rachel